Friday, October 16, 2009


There hasn't been any new news about out upcoming trips. Today I have to call University of Iowa to verify their rules about visitors - OSU no longer allows any children to visit due to H1N1, so I guess I should make sure that Little Lou is allowed to tag along. If not, I guess she can hang out with Daddy at the RMH. I guess I should also call the RMH to find out if we have to check in by a certain time and what we need to bring. I feel like I've spent all of this week on the phone.

I wanted to share how amazing our family and friends are. This week, I have received multiple calls from people offering money, snacks, and childcare. I feel so incredibly blessed to have such selfless people in my life. I feel even more blessed to have God on my side. This week, I have felt his presence like never before.

I am in a way, thankful that X-Man's feet have relapsed. I of course, don't want to him to have to go through this. I know how difficult it is going to be for him to not be able to walk for a couple of months, and I wish his feet were already corrected. But, just seeing how much people care, and knowing that X-Man is finally getting the best possible treatment is just amazing. I feel so thankful to have the life that I do.

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